Thursday, November 17, 2011

Diary of my Pregnancy - 40 year old first timer

7 weeks 4 days:

Well, today I had my first OB visit. And they have quite a well-oiled machine at this office. Clean waiting area with ample comfortable seating, art books to flip through, and receptionist ready and waiting to give you instructions.

Of  course, I screwed up from the first minute. I never printed out the info from the website, so I did not pre-fill out my paperwork. Something that could have saved me a lot of time. Then, I was handed a urine cup. I know darn well that you should NEVER pee before going to the doctor because we always want a sample. But at home, I HAD to go.

Since my bladder has been working more frequently lately, I figured a few cups of water while I fill out the paperwork and I'll be ready. And it worked. The mere act of drinking made me pee. (Sorry TMI?).

Then, I was directed to a wall of bathrooms to choose from. I did my business into the supplied cup (onto it too - totally gross - I washed it thoroughly before handing it in). Then put the cup into the bag and brought it back into the waiting room. "Where do I put this?" I innocently asked. It goes in the window of the bathroom. The "window" is a two way metal biohazard door. Pretty cool.

When I was called, they weighed me, blood pressured me, wrote a few notes, and then asked, "Are you the one who didn't label her cup?" Ummm, yes. Label? I assumed they put that there...I was already not having a good day.

Soon I was placed into the patient room to wait for the doctor. I've never met her before so I was curious what she was like. Even though she was recommended by my friend/OB (in another city). Of course my stuff was piled high on a corner of the counter because there is NO PLACE to put your stuff. Big pet peeve of mine. My husband is a healthcare architect and he agreed. He puts places for patients to put their stuff built into his designed rooms. All patient care rooms should have somewhere to put their personal items. I hate having to move patient items so I can find a place to sit down with my patients. I hate it as a patient too.

My OB is really nice. Smart. And stated her case for getting blood screening for various disorders. I was against it at first, but conceded that identifying heart issues early on can be extremely beneficial. All was going well, and I asked if we could have an ultrasound. She had not had me scheduled for one, but made an on-the-fly appointment with their in-house tech.

This was a tough spot for the husband. This is where he got all the bad news for his wife. I was pretty confident all was well because I had strong pregnancy symptoms, breasts swollen like balloons, the frequent peeing thing, etc...But again, I've been realistic because I'm 40. I kept an open mind. But when I saw the tech do her thing (very quickly) I was able to spot immediate issues. The dates were wrong. I couldn't find the heart beat. And the doppler did not show anything. She did not point this out - but I've done a bunch of these myself - enough to know the basics were not promising.

When she got my doctor, my suspicions were confirmed. I'm one week off, and even if that were true, I should still have some kind of heart beat. They had me at 6wks 2 days. So while the sac looked good, and I feel pregnant, the inevitable is coming. My first pregnancy. My first miscarriage. Getting pregnant at 40 so easily seemed to be a miracle. I hope it is not once in a lifetime.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Diary of my Pregnancy - 40 year old first timer

6 weeks 5 days:

Wow, so far still doing well. My breasts REALLY hurt and have grown out of many of my clothes that fit just weeks ago. And I'll probably need some new bras soon. I've had occasional bits of nausea and keep the zofran close just in case. I've taken it twice so far.

BTW just a note about Zofran ODT (orally dissolving tablets). Zofran is a great, safe medicine for nausea in pregnancy. The ODT version is fantastic because it dissolves under the tongue and works nearly instantly and can't be vomited up.

HOWEVER, to make it taste okay, the makers have put in aspartame for a sweetener. Aspartame is Nutrasweet. Personally, I have physical issues with nutrasweet, so I completely avoid it. Best thing I ever did, eliminating that from my diet. I was dismayed that as an MD I had no idea of aspartame being in the medicine. It is NOT on the bottle. However, if you get the peel-aways, it does list aspartame as an ingredient. This is true of another orally dissolving tablet - Prevacid solutabs BTW.

Many pregnant women avoid sweeteners. I am. So if you are trying to avoid aspartame, but need a nausea medicine that is safe in pregnancy and has low side effects, get Zofran tablets. Make sure it is NOT the ODT version.

I'm also proud of know medical professionals of any kind make the worst patients. And I'm not great about taking medicines of any kind. But I have not missed a dose of my prenatal vitamins. My bowels can tell the difference. The iron, is, well, constipating. I'm going to have to start eating more prunes. 'Nuf said, I know, TMI.

Also, regarding my previous post about the baby forums for July, besides being shocked by all the non-pregnant people on the monthly due date forums, I'm also shocked by the misinformation being bandied about on the site. I know this is a forum for pregnant women to share information, but really, something as important as pregnancy should have MD moderators. OBs in particular.

As an MD I hesitate to ever give advice over the internet, but when I see such blatant dangerous advice...I feel it is my duty to pipe in. In particular, a woman asked if it was possible to be pregnant after a tubal ligation, saying she had "debilitating pain" much worse than a period. The answer is, yes, you can, but it is rarely normal - it is usually an ectopic (commonly referred to as a tubal) pregnancy.

This woman was wondering if she should go to the doctor because she was late, in severe pain, and her pregnancy test was normal, having had a tubal ligation many years ago. The answers given to her by others were, "I had 2 babies post tubal ligation" and "Just wait a week before going to the Doctor." Huh? The answer should have been (and what I posted) is, "While it is theoretically possible to have a normal pregnancy post tubal ligation, it is more likely to be an ectopic pregnancy...which if left untreated can kill you. Go the the ER. Now." Especially, when there is a history of "debilitating pain." I hope that woman is okay.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Diary of my Pregnancy - 40 year old first timer

Five weeks four days:

So far so good. Still no AF after my BFP and am 28 DPO. Confused? I was too.

These are all terms bandied about on the Baby Central forums where I was advised to join and lurk. What you do is give your estimated date of delivery (in my case determined by my first day of last menstrual period) and it puts you in a group of women who will deliver that week. Or so I thought...

What I found were a lot of women talking about daily temperatures, OPKs, and all sorts of terminology I knew of as fertility issues, not pregnancy issues. Lots of people would have headlines like, "Now on to August :(" or "I got my AF, on to August." Or worse, talk about their BFNs.

This also confused me. Not just the abbreviations which I will get to in a moment, but because there were non-pregnant women on a pregnancy forum.

I'm well aware of the difficulties of getting pregnant. I've lived through it with friends and with my sibling who has tried everything, unsuccessfully, to make me an aunt. I know the heart-wrenching experience women have when they get implanted and hope it will stick. All the meds they have to take for optimum fertility. It is unimaginably difficult.

That is why I chose to go the fate route and avoid all fertility issues completely. I never got fertility testing (at age 40!). I never took a hormone in my entire life. I also made sure that I never focused too hard on the idea of having a baby. Yes, I've wanted a baby of my own, but I have two amazing kids through marriage (full-time since my husband is a widower) and could go on just fine with only them.

And yes, I had a feeling I was probably fertile (from a making eggs perspective) as I have a regular 27/28 day cycle. Are there abnormalities in the eggs? Who knows. I try to avoid the X-ray tech as much as possible, but I work in a hospital. I travel in airplanes. I'm exposed more frequently than most ordinary people. I could have some damage there.

I'm also a realist. I know I'm 40. I know I had a small likelihood of getting pregnant naturally, and that I have a large likelihood of miscarriage (especially from genetic issues). Our eggs are vulnerable to damage throughout our lives, so I know that by 40, my odds are low. Then again, I found the man of my dreams (literally...a long wonderful story) at age 38, so I know that fate works and can work in my favor.

BTW, here's why eggs are so vulnerable: At birth you are born with all the eggs you'll ever have. Actually, the baby I'm carrying now will soon create all the eggs (if a girl) she will every have in her life. Those eggs are not fully developed. They are stuck in First Prophase until ovulation which then triggers the rest of Meiosis I to complete.

Which basically means (for those who don't remember high school biology) that in the process of creating eggs through Meiosis, the eggs are stuck about halfway through the process. Fertilization triggers the finalization of the process to proceed and complete Meiosis II. So environmental reasons can mess with the proper division of genes/chromosomes/etc...

Men, on the other hand, produce new sperm constantly. Each is fully Meiosis-ized (term made up by me). So the sperm don't sit around getting pummeled by radiation or toxins of any kind for a length of time. They are born, they die, new ones are born and die. If they are malformed, they are too weak to survive the journey to the egg and die.

They don't get stuck halfway through creation for 30ish years like eggs. Men make gazillions of sperm through their lifetime. Women make 400 eggs (estimated) over her fertile lifetime. Doesn't seem fair, but at least they have to suffer through their prostate in their older years--which women thankfully don't have.

So back to the forum, it makes me sad to see all these women are so desperate to have a child that they join the forum for where they hope they will be pregnant, long before they are actually pregnant. The disappointment, IMO, seems to be compounded by the fact that they are doing this month after month.

The abbreviations? Well, AF stands for period. Huh? I wondered that too. AF is slang for "Aunt Flo" for whatever reason. I keep picturing this big heavy woman "Aunt Flo" bleeding. Not a pleasant bit of imagery. Seems like P for period would make much more sense. But alas, AF is what they use on the boards. Learn to love it. Or not.

And it is ubiquitous on the baby boards. BFP stands for "Big Fat Positive or I've seen "Big F---ing Positive" for the pregnancy tests (likewise BFN is Big Fat Negative). DPO is days post ovulation (that one makes sense). And OPK is ovulation predictor kit. Here's a list of all the terms commonly found.

Next article, I should be caught up with my blogging in real time baby time. And I will talk about all the apps I'm using to track my baby's progress.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Diary of my Pregnancy - 40 year old first timer

4 weeks 2 days

So now I'm pregnant. I know, there should be an exclamation point. On baby central they use the term BFP (Big F---ing Positive). Clearly it is a big deal. But it is hard to be excited when I know the realities.

Everyone I know miscarried the first time. I'm only 4wks pregnant. Just a blob at that point. I'm 40. So much can still go wrong. I am more likely to miscarry than not. So it is hard to get overjoyed. I'm usually an optimist, and those of you reading this would think I am a complete buzz kill. However, I don't want to start naming the baby before I have even gotten past the point where I can see my baby on ultrasound.

I did make an appointment for that. Nearly 3 weeks from now. A long time to wait. Every day I go to the bathroom and half expect to see my period. So far so good.

My husband is like me, and has had similar feelings. He's been to 18weeks and then miscarried, so he knows what it is like to get really into it and have it all go wrong. That being said, we wonder aloud what our child will look like (will have a VERY thick head of hair), what they will act like (probably like his daughter who is remarkably similar to me...only moreso), what the name could be (already picked out for a girl, no clue what it would be for a boy)...

How am I feeling? Honestly, early stages of pregnancy are remarkably like PMS. Sore breasts, a little weepy, and a little crampy. I think the dull aches are from the implantation process of the baby into the uterus. The parasite (i.e. miracle child) is boring a hole into my uterus. Makes sense that would hurt a little.

While we are mostly keeping this under wraps, there are a few select people who know. Mostly because I need an outlet to talk about it or I will go insane.

(Note the posting is not completely contemporaneous with my actual dates at this point because I started the blog a week after all of this is taking there will be a few posts this week as I catch up and will eventually have a weekly posting to reflect the actual time frame.)